Thursday, January 14, 2021

Puzzle Seventeen: 5000 Miles

Winners of last week's meta challenge, "Miles to Go," were I.K. Snamhcok and LesY. Check out the Solutions page for the answer.

Today's puzzle is a sentimental favorite from my early construction days of late 2019 with a grid I was (accurately) told "could have more connectivity." I still like the theme and hopefully so do you. Enjoy!

If you download the PDF, you'll notice that the formatting is much improved. Shout out to Github user njyoon for creating this terrific .puz to PDF converter that I'm going to be using for the foreseeable future.

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Puzzle Ninety-One: Hangers-On (meta)

Heading out of town so rushing this one a little. Should have come out yesterday but such is life. The meta answer is an eight-letter word ....