Thursday, March 25, 2021

Puzzle Twenty-Three: Cool Down (meta)


in my pandemic rave cave

Before we get started, I constructed this week's Spyscape puzzle, "Semper Occultus," and it's a pretty fun one with a little twist at the end. Give it a solve!

Now to the matter at hand: it's my second Quarantine Birthday today. To celebrate, there's a new contest meta. The answer to this week's meta is a three-letter word.

Submit your answer by clicking HERE

Submissions are due by Tuesday, March 30, 2021 at 12:00 PM EST. 

Two winners – the first person to submit a correct answer and another person selected at random from the correct entries – will receive a Lexicon Devil sticker as well as the respect of their puzzling peers.  

If you have any issues submitting your answer, just put it in an email to lexicondevillive at outlook dot com with your name, preferred screen name / ID and email address and I'll add you in manually. 

Don't forget to sign up for the Lexicon Devil mailing list, where I distribute the metas by email before putting them on the site. If you have any issues signing up, just email lexicondevillive at outlook dot com with the subject line "subscribe."

If you're enjoying these puzzles, please consider making a small contribution via the tip jar: 


Before the applet, some musical hints to today's puzzle:

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Puzzle Twenty-Two: Forest Rings (meta)

Snail on park path, November 2020. Photo by me.

The answer to this week's meta is something living in the woods

Submit your answer by clicking HERE

Submissions are due by Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 12:00 PM EST. 

Two winners – the first person to submit a correct answer and another person selected at random from the correct entries – will receive a Lexicon Devil sticker as well as the respect of their puzzling peers.  

If you have any issues submitting your answer, just put it in an email to lexicondevillive at outlook dot com with your name, preferred screen name / ID and email address and I'll add you in manually. 

Don't forget to sign up for the Lexicon Devil mailing list, where I distribute the metas by email before putting them on the site. If you have any issues signing up, just email lexicondevillive at outlook dot com with the subject line "subscribe."

If you're enjoying these puzzles – especially the metas, which are time-consuming to construct and oversee – please consider making a small contribution via the tip jar: 



Friday, March 5, 2021

Puzzle Twenty-One: Ay Yi Yi! (freestyle)

details, details *sigh*

The genesis of this puzzle lies in some very fun themelesses in recent months from other indie constructors created with the goal of using only one repeating black-square pattern in the grid:

Brooke Husic and Sid Sivakumar, "Puzzle 35 - Themeless #25"
Brooke Husic and Brian Thomas, "Puzzle #40: Themeless"
Matthew Stock, "Puzzle No. 28: Themeless"
Mollie Cowger, "Themeless 1"

I completed a version of this one a while back but back-burnered it after discovering that Roland Huget's March 7, 2020 Los Angeles Times Saturday themeless used the same pair of mini-theme entries before I had ever hit upon them. Upon reflection, I decided it was still a good puzzle and a cool-looking grid. Enjoy!

68 words / 41 blocks


Puzzle Ninety-Three: Reach for the Stars (meta)

Cassette cover scan by Rene Walter . Once you're done with this puzzle, take a moment to check out my AVCX Classic puzzle, published yes...