If you download the PDF, you'll notice that the formatting is much improved. Shout out to Github user njyoon for creating this terrific .puz to PDF converter that I'm going to be using for the foreseeable future.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Puzzle Seventeen: 5000 Miles
If you download the PDF, you'll notice that the formatting is much improved. Shout out to Github user njyoon for creating this terrific .puz to PDF converter that I'm going to be using for the foreseeable future.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Puzzle Sixteen: Miles To Go (meta)
Weird grid for a weird week. It's your job to figure out the Gaffney Week 3-ish method to the madness. (And apologies in advance for some rougher-than-usual fill.)
The answer to this week's meta is a 13-letter sporting event.
Submit your answer by clicking HERE.
Submissions are due by Monday, January 11, 2020 at 12:00 PM EST.
The December 24 meta gave solvers a workout -- read more on the solutions page HERE.
If you have any issues submitting your answer, just put it in an email to lexicondevillive at outlook dot com with your name, preferred screen name / ID and email address and I'll add you in manually.
Two winners – the first person to submit a correct answer and another person selected at random from the correct entries – will receive a Lexicon Devil sticker as well as the respect of their puzzling peers.
Puzzle Ninety-Three: Reach for the Stars (meta)
Cassette cover scan by Rene Walter . Once you're done with this puzzle, take a moment to check out my AVCX Classic puzzle, published yes...

Before we get to the puzzle, let's talk about VOTING . I am going to assume that puzzle solvers are sane, responsible people nd as a r...
This month's meta answer is a famous singer who would be an apt sixth theme entry . Deadline is Tuesday, March 12 at 12 PM EST. Enter th...
Checkered Future by Ricky Billingsgate I hope you're all ready for something different this time around. I just released a new instrume...