Thursday, May 19, 2022

Puzzle Fifty-Six: Consequences (meta)

The answer to this month's meta challenge is a possible punishment for children who get out of line.

IMPORTANT NOTE: the multiple appearances of ONE in this grid are not related to the meta answer.

Submit your answers before Tuesday, May 24 at 12 PM EST at 

Before you submit your answer, you can make sure it's correct by using the answer checker at

This month's contest winners will receive the highly coveted Lexicon Devil sticker. Did you know that you can buy a Lexicon Devil t-shirt with the same cool logo?

MIDI CONTROLLER is a pay-what-you-want zine of 15 midi puzzles for you to print and solve at home (or just solve via the included .puz files). Thanks to everyone who has purchased or downloaded so far!

.puz / PDF

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Puzzle Fifty-Five: Drama-Free (freestyle)

A more gently-clued 72-entry freestyle this week, and hopefully a smooth solve for you. Thanks to kateschmate for test-solving (go solve her puzzles if for some reason you're not doing that already).

.puz / PDF

Puzzle Eighty-Nine: Well Would You Look at the Time (themeless)

  I used to collect watches and still have a drawerful of Casios. These are the classic Casio AE 1200, probably the best, and best-looking, ...