Friday, June 17, 2022

Puzzle Fifty-Eight: What Are The Odds? (meta)

The answer to this month's meta challenge is a four-letter word one might say upon completing the meta.

Nota bene: this is a harder meta than average for LD. 

Thanks to Peter Abide for test-solving.

Submit answers at the following link by Wednesday, June 23 at 12 PM EST:

Check your answer at:

.puz / PDF

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Puzzle Fifty-Seven: Come Back Here!


Another one with a story behind it. Scroll down below the applet once you're done.

No .puz file for this (yet). You can generate a PDF using the Print function in the applet.





keep scrolling




keep scrolling




keep scrolling




Last summer I was trying to decide whether to submit this or another puzzle to the New York Times when Max Carpenter made his Times debut with a puzzle with the exact same concept and revealer. No stranger to being beaten to the punch on puzzle themes, I shrugged, figuring I'd at least saved myself a guaranteed rejection, set this one aside for the blog, and submitted the other puzzle. Which they also rejected.

Puzzle Ninety-Five: Colorful Character (meta)

 Easy (and small) one this time. I had the Universal crossword back on February 18 if you want to backtrack, it should still be available. T...