Thursday, April 25, 2024

Puzzle Eighty-Three: Coming of Age (meta)

The meta answer is a five-letter word. Submit answers (and get .puz and PDF) via Crosshare. Deadline is Tuesday, April 30 at 12 PM EST. 

Recent puzzles:

"Mightier Than the Sword (By a Lot)," Spyscape, March 23, 2024

"Girls Gone Wild" with Quiara Vasquez, QVXwords, April 14, 2024. Mostly Quiara, one of the funniest constructors out there, who also has a new gig as editor of Slate's new daily midi crossword (link to today's).

(Regarding the song above: DC modern rock station WHFS used to play it a fair amount when I was a little kid. Until I looked it up on YouTube I never had any idea who it was by, or how 80s the video was, or what kind of hats the band wore. YMMV, especially if Canadian.)

Puzzle Ninety-Three: Reach for the Stars (meta)

Cassette cover scan by Rene Walter . Once you're done with this puzzle, take a moment to check out my AVCX Classic puzzle, published yes...