Why spend time searching for free clip art when you can simply draw the image yourself on your phone |
Hello solvers!
It's time for another meta. Week 2 this time.
The meta answer is a classic video game that debuted in 1998.
Submit your responses before THURSDAY, September 30 at 12 PM EST at the link below:
This was a hard puzzle to finish constructing. You may have noticed that there was no August meta puzzle, and no announcement regarding the same. I simply overextended myself with work, family and other puzzle commitments to the point where I ran out of the mental energy to construct a good meta for quite some time. They require at least twice as much time and planning as a regular blog puzzle. Hopefully the slump is over?
In any event, some of the products of my other constructing labor appeared recently. I had last week's Spyscape puzzle and last Monday Will Nediger's blog Bewilderingly featured a puzzle I co-constructed with the great Kate Chin Park, aka Kate Schmate of Crosswords Schmosswords.
As noted in the last meta email, I added a few optional questions to the form in hopes of getting a little more info about your solving experience. If you need a nudge to finish the puzzle, you can now note that on the form and exempt yourself from the drawing if you wish.
Have you won a previous week's contest and not received your sticker? If so, I apologize - I'm STILL behind in mailing out the stickers. Please email me (if you haven't already)! It will speed up the process of catching up.